Countdown To Event


1. The abstract should be written in English.

2. All abstracts / clinical cases must be submitted through conference website ONLINE SYSTEM. Abstracts submitted via email, fax or post will not be accepted.

3. Abstracts submitted via email, fax or post will not be accepted. Abstracts must be SUBMITTED BY 11:59 p.m. (Malaysia time), on MONDAY, 1st April 2024 FRIDAY, 12th April 2024. Late submissions will not be accepted.

4. Title: Capitalised Each Word except prepositions such as “of”, “for”, “and”, “with”, etc.

5. Author and Co-authors: The first name is the presenting author. First name/middle name use initial, last name (surname) in full. Do not use titles (Dr) or degrees (MD). When more than one author is listed, use numbers to match authors and institutions.

6. Affiliations: Department, institution/hospital/organisation. Do not include the address.


Clinical Research in Cardiology
A.W. Mohamed1, K. Muthusamy2, C.L. Tan3
1Department of Cardiology, Hospital ABC, 2Clinical Research Centre, Hospital ABC, 3Department of Pharmacy, Hospital ABC

7. Layout: The abstract must be in a single paragraph containing not more than 350 words (No visual, table or graph allowed)

8. The abstract text should have the following sub-headings in bold:- 

      •    - Background 
      •    - Objective
      •    - Materials & Methods
      •    - Results
      •    - Conclusions
    • 9. The cases summary format should have the following sub-heading in bold:- 

    •    - Introduction of the case
    •    - Objective
    •    - Description of the problem, procedure, technique and equipment's used
    •    - Results
    • 10. Abstracts submitted under the Poster category could potentially be selected for presentation in the moderated poster sessions.